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Energy: Sources and Forms

First, what is Energy *not*? The idea of energy is confusing to a lot of people. But you need to understand that energy is not a type of substance. It is related to the motion or movement of atoms, molecules, and objects.

Energy is an abstract (mathematical) measure related to the amount of motion of objects (including atoms and molecules). Energy related to motion is called "kinetic energy." Energy is also an abstract (mathematical) measure of the potential for more motion. Energy related to the potential for motion is called "potential energy."

For example, the abstract (mathematical) way to measure an object's kinetic energy is:

So, you can see from this equation that kinetic energy is a measure of the object's motion: speed (as well as its mass).

What are Energy Sources? An energy source is something that has the ability to change the motion of objects, including molecules, atoms, and even electrons and protons.

Sources and forms of energy: 

Q1: What are some sources of energy for your muscles (that allows them to move)? (Select all that apply.)
(a) Food.

(b) Oxygen.

(c) Water.

(d) Carbon Dioxide.

Sources of energy at molecular/atomic level. Now, let's look at sources and forms of energy that can change the motion of atoms and molecules (rather than an object as a whole).

Sources of energy at subatomic level. Finally, some sources of energy can change the motion of even sub-atomic particles (such as electrons and protons).