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Exponent Math

Exponent math

In this unit, we talk about how to multiply, divide, add, and subtract numbers that have exponents. (For a review of the basics of exponents, click here.)

terminology in base 10 exponents

Multiplication: When multiplying two numbers with base 10 with exponents, multiply the coefficients (numbers in front of the 10^exponents) and then add the exponents.

For example (both numbers have coefficients of 1):

Example #2 (both numbers have coefficients of 1):

Another example (both numbers have non-one coefficients):

Division: When dividing two numbers with base 10 with exponents, first divide the coefficients then subtract the exponents.

For example:

Another example:

If there are non-one coefficients, then divide the coefficients also.

For example:

Addition/Subtraction: When you are adding or subtracting two or more numbers with 10 to an exponent, you first need to make sure the exponents are the same in all numbers. Then add/subtract the coefficients and keep the common 10x.

Addition example: 

Subtraction example:

Tip: When converting a number to a different exponent, you need to make the coefficient the same amount larger or smaller. For example, if you make the exponent 2 decimal places larger, you need to make the coefficient 2 decimal places smaller. If you make the exponent 5 places smaller, you must make the coefficient 5 places larger.