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Taxonomy of Living Things

You may have heard of the words "Class" or "Order" or "Species" and wondered what those terms mean. Biologists use these terms to build a hierarchy of living things. From the top of this hierarchy (most general) to the bottom of the hierarchy (most specific), living things are classified at eight levels, shown below.

Taxonomy of Living Things (classifications for Dog & American Beauty Rose):

Some people use a memory trick called a mneumonic (pronounced "new-MON-ic") to remember this order. For example, "Dumb King Philip Cried Over Failing Grade Six" is a mneumonic, where the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of each word in the taxonomy of living things.

As scientists learn more about living things, the taxonomy may change. Or, specific living things may get re-assigned to different places in the taxonomy. Changes like these are just part of science. As scientists learn more about the world, their ideas and hypotheses change.