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Weight on Earth and Other Planets

What is Weight? Simply put, an object's weight on Earth is the force of gravity pulling on the object. The force of gravity pulling on the object — or the object's weight — is proportional to the masses of both the Earth and the object. So, if the object has more mass, its weight will be greater. Also, if the mass of the Earth somehow increased, the object's weight would

As discussed in the unit on gravitational forces, like all forces, gravity is a mutual force. This means that the force of gravity on an object on Earth is equal to (but opposite directions from) the force of the object on the Earth. (This idea is shown above, where the forces are equal but in opposite directions.)

Calculating object weight. The weight of an object here on Earth is equal to the mass of the object times the acceleration due to gravity on Earth, or g, which is about 10 m/s2:

Weight of object (on Earth) = mass of object * 10 m/s2

The direction of the force of weight is straight down (toward the center of the earth).

Weight on other planets. In general, the weight of an object on any planet (or moon), etc., is proportional to the masses of both the object and planet (or moon). So, if the object has more mass, its weight will be greater. Also, if the mass of the planet (or moon) is greater, the weight of the object will be greater.

So, your weight on the biggest planet (Jupiter) would be your weight here on Earth. But you would weigh less on Mercury or Mars than on Earth because these planets are less massive than the Earth.

The weight of an object on another planet (or moon) is equal to the mass of the object times the acceleration due to gravity on the planet (or moon):

Weight of object (on planet/moon) = mass of object * acceleration due to gravity on planet/moon

The acceleration is greater for more massive planets (or moons).

Mass is constant. But, of course, your mass would not change. You would still look the same here on Earth and on the other planets, because the amount of "stuff" you are made of would not change.